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Fire Protection Suit | Baju Tahan Api

Fire Protection Suit | Baju Tahan Api

Fire Entry Suits

Newtex is one of the few manufacturers worldwide with the technology to make fire entry suits that meet the most demanding high temperature environments. The Fire Entry suits come with 7 layers of insulation for maximum protection and incorporates room for breathing apparatus. Each suit comes in a set of Hood, Coat, Pants, Boots, and Mitts.

2000 SERIES - Designed for short duration ambient heat of 1500°F (815°C), radiant heat to 2500°F (1371°C), and total flame of 2000°F (1093°C). Weighs 48 pounds (22 kg).

3000 SERIES - Same as 2000 series but with added protection from radiant heat. Designed for short duration ambient heat of 1500°F (815°C), radiant heat to 3000°F (1650°C), and total flame of 2000°F (1093°C). Weighs 54 pounds (25 kg).

Kiln / Proximity / Approach Suits

850 SERIES KILN Suit - Designed for short duration ambient heat of 800°F (427°C), radiant heat to 2000°F (1093°C). Used for maintenance and repair applications.

750 SERIES PROXIMITY Suit - Designed for short duration ambient heat of 550°F (288°C), radiant heat to 2000°F (1093°C). Used areas where steam or volatile materials are present.

150/550 SERIES APPROACH Suit - 150 series is a non insulated suit with an Aluminized outer shell and a flame retardant cotton lining. The 550 series is the same but with a vapor barrier lining of flame retardant neoprene coated FR poly-cotton. Designed for short duration ambient heat of 200°F (93°C), radiant heat of up to 2000°F (1093°C). Used in industrial and factory environment.

Gloves & Mitts

Newtex gloves and mitts are made from the same reliable ZETEX® and ZETEXPlus® materials and come in standard lengths of 11”, 14”, and 23” which will fit most hands. Newtex gloves and mitts have durable cotton backed 11 ounce wool liners sewn at the fingertips for comfort. Gloves come in Kevlar® or leather for high abrasion or cut resistant uses. They also come in Aluminized form for radiant heat protection.

Hoods, Coats, Pants, Aprons, Sleeves, Boots, and Leggings

Newtex has a full range of other apparel and accessories made with Aluminized ZETEX® which are designed to reflect 90% of radiant heat. Contact our sales team for more information.
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