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    Astori Stick c-GMP

    [20 Dec. 2011, 2:47:44]
    Astori Stick c-GMP
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    Stick c-GMP
    Mfg : ASTORI LAB
    Technical features:
    Reliable and specific, thanks to the â antigene-antibodyâ test principle
    Very high sensitivity: 1% or 2% of whey in properly-stored milk ( 4% , otherwise)
    Sensitivity level at userâ s choice, according to the sample dilution
    Results in 5 minutes and very easy procedure
    It can be applied to milk and to powdered milk samples
    All strip-tests can be stored at room temperature ( 2° â 30° C)
    Interpretation by eye: no need of special equipments to read the results
    Easy interpretation, thanks to the different coloured lines ( Control: blue â Positive: red)