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    WTW inoLab® BSB BOD 740 – Flexible and powerful

    [13 Dec. 2011, 0:02:14]
    WTW inoLab® BSB BOD 740 – Flexible and powerful
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    inoLab® BSB/ BOD 740 – Flexible and powerful
    Mfg : WTW
    Simple sample management
    Automatic BOD calculation
    EPA approved
    Special features:
    BOD/ depletion
    Determination of the biochemical oxygen demand according to DIN EN 1899-1
    Determination of oxygen depletion according to DIN 38 414 P6
    Up to 5 samples for dilution water
    Up to 30 measuring samples
    Up to 18 dilutions per measuring sample
    Up to 7 routines can be stored
    Adjustable incubation time, from 5 to 30 days
    Additional features when using the MultiLab® pilot:
    Management of an arbitrary number of samples
    Max. of 32 dilutions per measuring sample
    Max. of 32 dilution waters ( blank solutions)
    Adjustable incubation period, 1 to 32 days
    Allocation of names for dilution waters, samples, diluted samples and routines ( max. of 255 characters per name)
    Warning indication for BOD values that are too high or too low
    Calculations by mouse click
    Automatic protocols

    Conc. 0.00 ... 20.00 mg/ l
    0.0 ... 90.0 mg/ l* *
    Saturation 0.0 ... 200.0%
    0 ... 600% * *
    Part. Pressure 0.0 ... 200.0 mbar
    0 ... 1250 mbar
    Temperature -5.0 ... + 50.0 ° C   * * = depends on DO sensor and medium