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    extech Water Damage Restoration Kit MO280 KW

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    Water Damage Restoration Kit MO280 KW
    Mfg : EXTECH
    Kit includes: MO280 Pinless Moisture Meter, MO210 Pocket Moisture Meter, RH490 Precision Hygro-Thermometer
    Monitor job site conditions, progress, and insurance company reporting
    Supplied in an attractive storage case
    Kit includes
    • Model MO280 Pinless Moisture Meter
    Select from 10 different wood types
    Display % moisture from 0 to 99%
    Measurement depth to 0.75" ( 22mm) below the surface
    • Model MO210 pocket Moisture with Meter
    3-1/ 2 digit LCD display with bargraph
    Measures wood moisture from 6 to 44%
    measures building material moisture from 0.2 to 2%
    Replaceable 0.3" ( 88mm) threaded measurement alectrode pins
    • Model RH490 Precision Hygri-Thermometer
    Measurement Range :
    Temperature: -4 to 500° F( -20 to 260° C
    Humidity: 0 to 100% RH
    Dew Point : -22 to 199° F( -30 to 100° C)
    Wet Bulb : 32 to 176° F( 0 to 80C)
    Absolute Humidity : 0 to 1120GPP ( 0 to 160g/ kg)
    Less than 30 second RH response time with 2% RH accurancy
    • Supplied in an attractive storage case that provides protetion
    and organization for the testers whenever they are needed