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    extech Water Restoration Contractor Kit MO290-RK1

    [8 Dec. 2011, 1:06:43]
    extech Water Restoration Contractor Kit MO290-RK1
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    Water Restoration Contractor Kit MO290-RK1
    Mfg : EXTECH
    Extech i5 - Compact IR Camera
    Affordable InfraRed Camera with high quality image, focus free viewing, and 5000 image miniSD card storage
    80 x 80 pixel image resolution
    High 2% accuracy and 0.1° C thermal sensitivity
    32 to 482° F ( 0 to 250° C) Temperature range
    Large 2.8â color LCD
    Includes QuickReport⢠image analysis software
    MO290 - Pinless Moisture Psychrometer + IR
    Monitor moisture in wood and building materials with virtually no surface damage
    Included Pin Probe for contact moisture readings
    Patented InfraRed Thermometer with laser pointer for non-contact surface temperature measurement
    Built-in RH/ Temperature probe measures Relative Humidity, Air temperature, plus Grains Per Pound ( GPP) , Dew Point ( DP) , and Vapor Pressure
    Supplied in a rugged heavy duty hard carrying case that provides protection and organization for the meters and accessories whenever they are needed