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    ExTeCh Oyster⢠Series pH mV Temperature Meter Oyster-10

    [7 Dec. 2011, 22:29:23]
    ExTeCh Oyster⢠Series pH mV Temperature Meter Oyster-10
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    Oyster⢠Series pH mV Temperature Meter Oyster-10
    Mfg : EXTECH

    Exclusive Oyster⢠Design can be used in the lab or in the field
    Large LCD built into adjustable â flip-upâ cover displays pH or mV and Temperature simultaneously
    Splash proof housing and front panel tactile touch pad to slope and calibrate
    Rugged design for handheld or benchtop use; neckstrap for â hands-freeâ operation
    Measures pH ( 0.00 to 14.00pH) , mV ( -999mV to 999mV) and Temperature ( 32.0° F to 212.0° F / 0.0° C to 100.0° C)
    Accurate to 0.02pH, 2mV, 0.8° F/ 0.5° C and resolution of 0.01pH, 1mV and 0.1°
    Memory function stores and recalls 25 labeled readings
    Min/ Max storage and recall, ° C/ ° F switchable
    Audible beeper to alert user when function is completed
    Automatic or Manual temperature compensation