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    MSA 89220 Explosimeter Model 2A Combustible Gas Indicators

    [16 May. 2011, 11:50:11]
    MSA 89220 Explosimeter Model 2A Combustible Gas Indicators
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    MSA 89220 Explosimeter Model 2A Combustible Gas Indicators ( 1 EA)


    • Designated Materials= Vapors, Combustible Gases, Testing And Approvals UL approval, Class I, Group D, Divisions 1 and 2, Class I, Groups A, B, and C, Division 2 ( Division 1 excluded) , hazardous atmospheres., UL listed for use in hazardous locations as defined by the National Electrical Code. • Housed in cast aluminum case • For detecting and measuring concentrations of combustible gases or vapors in the air