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Nomor telpon Nn. Winda / Hartini di Jakarta Barat
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Nomor ponsel Nn. Winda / Hartini di Jakarta Barat
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Nomor faks Nn. Winda / Hartini di Jakarta Barat
Jl. Jelambar Utama Raya No 21A Jelambar
Jakarta Barat 11460, Jakarta
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Kami menyediakan dan menjual alat-alat untuk pengetestan kandungan fisika, kimia, dan biologi untuk air dari HACH seperti :
- Spectrophotometers dan Colorimeters
- Test Kits....
Whirl Pak sterile plastic bags
Dear Customer,

We would like to inform you that

WhirlPak â € “ Laboratory Sampling Bags from Nasco

are now available at PT Vesta Mitra Mandiri

See attachment for the....
Tersedia produk HACH Chromium TNT Plus ( 0.03 - 1.00 mg/ L)
Untuk pengujian Chromium total dan hexavalent
Digunakan dengan alat spektrofotometer DR 5000 dan DR 2800
Bis( 2-ethylhexyl) phosphate
Kami menjual " MERCK" Bis ( 2-ethylexyl) phosphate dengan speck :
-Synonim : HDEHP, Phosporic acid bis ( 2-ethylhexyl) ester, Bis ( 2-ethylhexyl) phosporic acid
JIrigen 10 Lt
PT. VMM menjual jirigen 10 Lt.
Baru. Murah.
Silakan mengontak bagian penjualan kami.
High Temperature Bag
For hot fill samples with a temperature up to 215F, 102C, the WhirlPak high temperature bag is specially made for this application. The FDA approved film is a blend of low density....
whirlpak bubble bag
Ship sample bottles and other fragile containers in this non sterile, bubble-lined Whirl-pak bag. the bubble is 3/ 16' , 0.48cm high and completely protects the container. Heavy....
Kami menyediakan dan menjual Reagent dari MERCK.

Untuk menanyakan stock dan diskon harga silakan hubungi bagian pemasaran kami.
Disposable Pipette

â € ¢ Ideal for transferring and dispensing liquids safely in all types of laboratories ( Blood Bank, Haematology, Bacteriology, Urinalysis, etc.) ....
Make Trans-pak specimen bags and other containers tamperproof with this unique security label. Provides immediate evidence of tampering! Made of destructible material with a....
When it is necessary to collect a sample of dry material such as grain, corn, pellets, etc. at a specific depth, The NASCO Dry Depth Sampler will get the job done. The unique....
Sell EUTECH instrument such as pHmeter,  Conductivity,  Salinity meter,  Temperature meter.
Eutech offers a comprehensive range of laboratory and field instrumentation for water analysis and continuous online process instruments for:
- monitoring and control of pH,
Sell MERCK chemical,  reagent and test kits
We supply all kind of MERCK Chemical and reagent for laboratory and production sector.
- Analytical Test Kits
- Laboratory equipment, auxiliaries
- Microbiology
Ovens - Waterbaths - Oilbaths
Millions of users all over the world rediscover their passion for Research and Development in Memmert appliances: ovens, incubators, special ovens....
Kantung ASI - Breastmilk Bag
Kami menyediakan Kantung ASI yang memudahkan bagi ibu bekerja untuk menyimpan ASI yang penting bagi pertumbuhan Bayi anda.

Berikut harga dan spesifikasi dari produk:

1. Cat No....
BRAND has built its reputation for quality and value on premium liquid handling equipment, such as the Dispensette ® , Transferpette ® , its famous BLAUBRAND ® volumetric glassware....
SONICA ultrasonic cleaner
SONICA design and produces ultrasonic cleaners and detergents for professional use in all fields in which high cleaning standards must be achieved within the shortest possible....
Alat Pengujian Batu bara, dan bahan mineral lainnya
1. Bomb calorimeter
2. Sulfur Analyzers
3. Proximate Analyzer ( Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer, TGA)
4. Moisture Tester
5. Muffle....
Macherey Nagel
MACHEREY-NAGEL has been known for high quality filter papers. Today we also supply customers worldwide with a variety of special products for specific applications such as:
- Test....
Laboratorium Equipment
Kami menyediakan berbagai jenis perlengkapan laboratorium meliputi:
- Autoclave
- Spetrophotometer
- Hot Plate
- Microbiologitest kit
- Centrifuge
- Waterbath
- Calorimeter
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